‘Do not be proud of a good name, because a name hasn’t meaning if it is not yourself who interpreted it’ –Adzkiyad
Name is one of identities that given when we were born. Our parents give the most beautiful name, and the best for us. Parents hope, when people call us by the name they give, it is can be a prayer for ourselves.
other people usually call our names 'short name' or nickname. It can be at the beginning, middle or end. but sometimes people who already know us very closely like family, friends, they change our 'short names' or nickname with other calls they make themselves.
So, my name is Dilla Safira Adzkiya, I’am Indonesian. Usually, people call me ‘Dilla’ my first name or ‘kiya’ my last name. In fact, I have many ‘short name’ from my family and friends like Dilla, La, Dildil, Adzkiya, Kiya, Kiki, Aki, kempot (because I have four dimples :v). No problem, people call me with other names they want. But don’t call me ‘La’ in front of my mother because my mother’s nickname is ‘Lala’, it will make us confused and chuckle.
If you want to call other people with different name or it’s not their first name, It will be better if you ask first to them. So, it will not make problem in other people and yourself. Don’t broke people’s heart because of you call their name unusually or wrong.
I think enough for share about my name. And How about you? :)
Thank you