Expression and politeness are important for communication
Everyday in human life, communication is important. In other words, communication is an important part that cannot be separated from...
Everyday in human life, communication is important. In other words, communication is an important part that cannot be separated from...
The language with the most native speakers in Taiwan is Taiwanese Hokkien which is spoken by about 70% of the population. Hokkien is a...
What is language choice multilingual communities? LANGUAGE CHOICE IN MULTILINGUAL COMMUNITIES In multilingual communities, more than one...
Sociolinguistics is a sub-discipline of linguistics that studies the relationship between language and society. In other words,...
listening skills are used more in EFL language classes than other skills, because EFL learners spend most of their learning time...
Hello, in this opportunity i would tell you about my friend's article which she read. 1. Enhancing the development of speaking skills for...
Journal article can be challenging to read, but most contain many of the same components, once you understand the structure of each...
Bismillah, Hello my beloved reader. Now i will tell you about my journal that i have read and what differencies and similarities between...
Bismillah... Hello my beloved reader ;). Now, i will tell you what is journal and Article based on my opinion. Why i tell you about this,...
Bismillahirrohmanirrahiim.. Hello my beloved reader, now i would like to share the review about english mehod based on journal. Only one...
Hello my beloved reader, in the past we talked about English Learning Method. Now, i'll choose one of the methods hat make us easy to...
Hello friends, i'am back. Now, i will tell you about some methods of english learning. It's depend on my teaching experience. Learning to...
"Education is part of life's companion, without seriousness we can't life" -Adzkiya A good teacher is someone who becomes the parent of...
Studying abroad is the dream of many children of the archipelago. According to Jessica Magaziner, a Research Associate from World...
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela Education is very important in our life....
‘Do not be proud of a good name, because a name hasn’t meaning if it is not yourself who interpreted it’ –Adzkiyad Name is one of...
“ Your identity is not your name but the quality you possess that adds a meaning to your name “ -Rhythmic feelings “Naming tradition”...